Douglas Augusto Guilherme

Vice President Global Operations
Purolite, An Ecolab Company

Douglas Guilherme was blessed with the opportunity to experience different supply chain disciplines early on his career on engineering, quality, manufacturing and logistics and quickly felt in love with it.
He worked in all different geographies and in different industries and saw how supply chain can impact and improve people’s lives both internally (employees) and externally (consumers)
As side hobby, Douglas is a Scuba Dive Master, an avid runner and is a Palmeiras (Brazil) soccer fan.

Message to the Supply Chain Community

It means a great recognition to everyone that worked for and with me. They have made me the successful professional I’m today It means the work my team and I did for our customers and consumers is being here recognized. It means that we are putting SC on the spotlight of the business leadership.

This is the best moment to be in SC and solve the real problems for the business. Sit in the front row of the business and LEAD.

Focus on what’s important for your customers and consumers and translate back into your supply chain actions. Speak the plain business language and solve real business problems. SC is on the driving business seat, enjoy the ride!


“It all started with having a winning team with the right people on the bus while the wrong people moved out of the bus. In this environment, we moved in talent from the broader organization, hired top notch talent and up skilled acquired talent. Then, we focused on the Objective, Goals, Strategy and Metrics aligning every single employee to the compelling business needs. Finally, we implemented processes, systems and enhanced with technology to lead the change and drive business results and agility.”

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Albert Sofian is a talented graphic artist, passionate about old Rembrandt techniques, who creates art objects with materials such as tar or calamine, sometimes combined with color. Through large compositions, often minimalist and with surprising recursions, Albert brings the figurative with a mannerist touch into the contemporary which challenges the viewer to dream. He graduated from History and Patrimony Sibiu University, and his work is constantly exposed in renowned exhibitions.